Originally I am a midwife and a physical therapist. However, since 2009 I have been working at seminars of personal growth - Path of Touch - together with Petr Málek in Zdebořice, Czech Republic, and since 2020 on my own. The core of my work is to increase our ability and sensitivity for love and for being loved. To support awakening of the deepest aliveness of our essence - so that it can become embodied, grounded and manifested through us in the world. In each of us, as well as in our love-relationships. I mainly offer seminars for women and for life-partners.

I am also very happy to give individual sessions for either one person or for a couple, with energetic bodywork and couching, based on client's intention - in terms of an actual life-topic. Click on "Individual Sessions" to read more about the possibilities.

My teachers and inspiration: John Hawken, Alan Lowen, Andrew Barnes, Manuela Erdoedy, Petr Málek.

"I am not here to teach anything. I am here to provide space, where you can explore your own inner truth, pase, wishes and desires - of your deep self. And finding your approach to follow them. This can take you closer to feel fulfilled in life in general."

The idea behind my work

I like to see and feel the aliveness of The Creation as Stream of Life - which transcends us real far by its greatnes, multidimensionality and wisdom. One of the most effitient tools I have found so far, for being in touch and aliance with this Stream of Life, is the practice of being perceptive to it and courageous enough to swim where it shows the way. The beauty of this is that swimming in this Stream feels very much like taking bath in Love. Non-person related Love. So, by increasing our ability to experience Love - personal and impersonal - and by participating in it, we can get closer to the root of our very own authenticity, our Soul and it's purpouse here on Earth. Walk the path of fulfilment of both - your own life and the Great Life - as You and It are the same in the bigger picture. And do this in a pleasurable way & having sense of humour on board.

If you sense a resonance with this, or you are curious to discover what kind of experience is behind these words, I am inviting you into the space, where there are tools offered, which can make it easier to open ourselves up wider and allow the Stream of Life to flow through us in a more intense way than usual. Exploring the sensitivity of our inner navigation. On the level of the body this can create release for the nervous system, making it smoother to let go of old dusty layers, which might have been reducing our aliveness and core authenticity. Making space for new kinds of experiences and inner freedom.

Tuning-in all our parts together: the physical, energetical, our perception, the conscious part, level of our soul and The Great Spirit. Stream of Life. We are music. And we can play and clang aligned – inside & outside.

What people often say after the seminars:

"Non-sexual touch for intimate areas is a WOW discovery!!"

"It was the sex education I didn't get."

"I feel relaxed, tension is gone. I am biiig, spread wide, and at the same time safe."

"I love my body. Body feels like my home now. I feel safe and held there. I could not receive love, cause I was tense."

"Every cell of my body feels alive, vibrant."

"I am sitting on my throne (Yoni)."

"I realized how much I love my partner."

"I feel happy and selfconfident."

"I am on a quest to become my own best lover."

"Someone hears me say NO and behaves accordingly."

YONIVERSAL WISDOM with MAGDALENA  magdalena_sloncova@hotmail.com  +420 603 598 495
Instagram: yoniversal_wisdom_magdalena 
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